Effective 01 July 2012

Registration and contact details:
Bay Language Institute (Pty) Ltd is a company registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC), registration number 2013/107126/07, with physical address at Shop 10, Mercado Centre, Strandfontein Road, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth 6019, South Africa. Postal address: PO Box 32171, Summerstrand 6019, South Africa, contact email: info -att- (pls. use @ for -att-)

All images and text on this website and related media, with the exception of a few general images (the property of SA Tourism, EC Tourism and Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism, and may only be used with their permission), are the property of Bay Language Institute and/or its students, past and present; any use of copyright material without the explicit written and signed permission of Bay Language Institute and the persons depicted in any images is expressly forbidden, and could lead to legal action in terms of South African and international law.

1. Your consent

By submitting your personal data to (hereinafter you automatically accept that Bay Language Institute, hereinafter Bay Language Institute, registers and stores said personal data for the specific purposes outlined below in this Privacy Policy.

2. Information about you

When you make a reservation for a course or request brochures on our site, we will need to collect certain information about you such as your name, address, email address, gender, phone number and date of birth. We do not share personal information about you with third parties except where necessary for the completion of your reservation.

The personal information you provide when making a reservation or placing an order for brochures is only used to complete that reservation or order. 

When answering emails, we will use return email addresses. Such addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with third parties.

3. Information about visitors to

Bay Language Institute may gather certain usage information from, such as the numbers and frequency of visitors to our web site. Such information may be provided to reputable third-party vendors. The data does not include any personally identifying information.

4. Privacy for minor children

For the protection of children's privacy, we require parental consent from users under the age of 16 who wish to make a reservation for a course.

5. Accuracy

Bay Language Institute will refresh, rectify or erase any incomplete, accurate or outdated personal data on you at your request or on our own initiative.

6. Data security

Personal information collected by is stored in secure operating environments that are not available to the public.

7. Areas not covered by the Policy

Personal information that you provide through chat sessions or email exchanges are not covered by this Privacy Policy. We will protect your privacy to the best of our ability by monitoring the sessions, but please keep in mind that you control the information you disclose when you are in a public forum. You should always be careful when distributing your personal information in this manner.

Important: This policy only applies to and not to other companies' or organizations' web sites to which we may link.

8. Amendments

Any changes made to this Policy will be posted to this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it to other companies.


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